Blogtober - Day 6 - Busy, Busy
So, today consisted of:Three extras to entertain for an hour and a half this morning. (I got in a photo shoot with Nephew D for my Elisaac jersey pattern.)
Off to the shops as soon as the extras were gone to buy school sandals for all three girls. And the additional three pairs of jandals for only $2 each. (Making use of the special before it's over instead of the week after as I've done before!)
While up town, getting a text to say that Aunty K was coming in half an hour to pick up LittleMiss for the night, as pre-arranged, and us not being quite finished town jobs or lunched yet.
Rushing to the bakery to get coffee and slice to take to visit with J at work.
Visiting J, eating caramel slice for lunch, then rushing home to meet Aunty K.
Having a natter and look at renovations with Aunty K in the sunshine, before loading LittleMiss into the car. (Nephew E, 3yrs, was most impressed - "Aunty Amber! Look, at what they're doing to your house!")
Back up town again to visit the last shop we didn't get to so we could buy some bamboo/wool yarn to make MiddleMiss' top (my latest pattern), then to the library to return overdue books and get more.
Home again to tidy the multitude of puzzles left lying all over the lounge floor from the morning.
And now I have to get the wash in, fold it, and make something for dinner!
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