To Reminisce
We used to be one of those fortunate people who lived on a 10 acre block at the very end of a country road. Our house was up on a hill, nestled in the shelter of bigger hills, with views to the far distant ranges.Unfortunately, it was a fair distance from town and the daily travel to work was a bit of a drag. So, with BigMiss nearing school age and not wanting to make a 1.5hr round trip twice a day (no bus), we made the hard decision to sell up and move to town.
We had always wanted to have a photo enlarged of the view from our lounge window to remember the place by, but never got around to it.
Recently, I won a competition on a blog and the prize was a free enlargement of a photo of your choice. Guess what J suggested? (I was thinking of one of the family/girls.)
Click to enlarge
This one.
It's the view from the top of the hill behind our old house (you can see the house near the edge of the hill shadow just to the left of centre near the bottom of the picture).
It's up on our wall already, looking fantastic.
Thank you so much, Angela!
(Make sure you stop by Angela's blog, Striking Keys, if I was forced to choose a favourite blog - I hate having to choose favourite anythings as it depends on mood so often - it would be hers!)

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