My Creative Space

6:32 PM , 8 Comments

I got a new toy in the post on Tuesday.  Well, really I can call it a tool rather than a toy.  It's a walking foot for my sewing machine.  I was reading this blog post the other day and was (easily) convinced to get myself one.  So after a quick search on Trade Me I found one that would suit my machine  and bought it!

I've been in the process of making nappies for my SILs and trying to sew the PUL and microfleece layers together has always been the most frustrating part to do as the microfleec always stretches.  So my new walking foot came at the perfect time.  It was sooooo much nicer to use!  I can see it being almost permanently fixed to the machine now...

Here's an action shot:

For more creative spaces check out Kirsty's blog.



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


  1. I've just got one too - aren't they amazing?!!! Mine was primarily to quilt but then I realise it does any kind of sweing really - great for very long curtains which always ended up with the top fabric stretching waaaay over the bottom. Like you mine's nearly always on now. x

  2. good for you! i'll have to find this trade me sounds nice...ive heard about walking foots, are they for quilting?

  3. Oh hooray for new tools that make things easier. I've been advised that unless I plan to hurl my Janome out the window (which was the recommendation) I simply must have one of these.

  4. these nappies sound like a great present! I have a walking foot but have not used it yet, thanks for the inspiration for some reasons I thought it would be hard to use!!

  5. I dont think mine has left my machine for year - is great for sewing stretch too:)

  6. woo hoo, i am gonna get me one of those. thanks

  7. I have been thinking about getting one of these as I would love to get into sewing knit fabric. will just add it to my craft wishlist which is getting longer and longer the more i looks at blogs!


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