
11:53 PM , 15 Comments

I've finally sewn in the ends and it was a perfect overcast day for photos so it is finally ready to release. 
As my first pattern design, I present...


This is a seamless pullover knit in a chunky rib style with a centre cable. It is knit in the round, from the top down starting with the collar. Using a series of short rows, the V-neck is formed with the collar already incorporated.
Techniques required include being able to work directional increases both knit-wise and purl-wise (basic instructions are given in the abbreviations), cabling, picking up stitches, and directional decreases (basic instructions are given in the abbreviations). The short rows require careful following of the directions to ensure no gaps or holes are visible.

Don't forget to check out my other designs!

And for those that are on Ravelry, here's the pattern page.  Please link your projects as I'd love to see them!



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


  1. The pattern does not appear to be on Ravelry...where can I get it please? Thanks


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