Crafting Adventures
Please excuse the lack of photos to go with this post - my camera went on holiday (without me!) to Australia with the BIL (it can take underwater photos) and it only got back this weekend but hasn't made it's way home just yet.I seem to be one of those "sometimes" bloggers lately. Sporadic and not altogether interesting.
I suppose that's what happens when life gets busy. Updating a blog (that you wonder who reads anyway) gets put at the bottom of the list.
So as I have a little spare time (procrastinating, actually. I should be painting but I'm just waiting for my hands to thaw out - must be heading to winter) I thought I'd jump on here and update on my crafty adventures.
So, first up.
A lovely friend of mine mentioned that their boss' little girl was to be a flower girl at an uncle's wedding. The dress was to be organized through a shop in Wellington (a good 2-2.5hrs drive from their house in the country) which is a bit of a hassle for a school aged girl. It was mentioned that I have made wedding dresses and might be interested in sewing a flower girl dress for her. So that is one thing I have been doing lately - sewing a cute flower girl dress in white dupion silk. All I have left to do is put in the zip and it will be ready for picking up this Friday.
And along with the flower girl dress...
The bride-to-be rang me up last week and asked if I could hem a dress for her. I said, "Sure! Bring it round and I'll have a look at it!" (I was thinking it would be a simple shorten the hem by an inch or so.) Turns out she was to be a bridesmaid at her friend's wedding the weekend before her own wedding and the (full-length with a shaped front overlay) bridesmaid dress she was to wear needed to be made just-above-knee length! And, if possible, can it be done by Tuesday? (this was Thursday afternoon) No worries! I had nothing much planned for the weekend and managed to get it all done.
I had to have it all done on Saturda as I didn't have the Monday free to sew, because...
My SIL and I went shopping for the day in Palmerson North. It was also tied in with a visit to her SIL who had recently build a new house and I wanted inspiration for what colours etc to do our new interior. We had a good visit to Spotlight (I wish we had one here - or at least a greater choice of fabric shops!) where I spent too much money and have a huge pile of fabric all intended for certain projects for clothing for the girls. So I have more crafting planned for the near this space!
And the other crafty news I have...
Is that I am taking a sewing class. As the teacher. It's a little scary really. The girls' school (which goes from new entrants to Y13, but only has about 100 students in total so isn't very big) asked if I would be interested in taking the Y6-8 (girls only - the boys weren't interested as they could do woodwork) for sewing once a week. It is only to be half the class for half a term at a time so not too much hassle. So with not much idea of what to do or where to start I took my first class last week Friday. There were only three girls (which makes it easier to help individually when needed) and I spent the first lesson teaching them how to thread the sewing machine, what the parts were called, how to sew in a straight line/curves/corners and getting a general idea of what level of sewer they were (so I could decide what would be a suitable first project to make). I wanted to make something useful for them and not too boring so decided on a basic elastic-waist skirt. So the next lesson was spent learning how to place a pattern, cut fabric and start sewing it together. I only have two more lessons with them so I'm hoping we get it finished in time!
And, lastly...
I finished my first Sweet As, Baby! prototype. This is the baby version of my Sweet As... pattern, which I released on Ravelry last week (I will do a separate post on it later this week). I'm partway through a second one at the moment and I'm hoping to get some cute photos of the them being worn by two gorgeous little 1yr olds!
I do also have some other exciting knitting/designing news. But it's still a little bit secret at the moment. I'll let you all know when I can!

You are an amazing woman! I wish I could teach anything, lol! I'm also quite happy to know that I'm not the only one that wonders if anyone reads their blog :) I do thouroughly enjoy your posts!