Helping in a Small Way
For the first time in the almost three years since we've owned it, we plugged an aerial into our tv screen last night (it's only been used for watching dvds via the computer) and spent the evening watching the news.If you haven't heard already, I'm sure you must be out of touch with current events. Christchurch has been devastated by a massive earthquake that cannot be compared to the last one in September.
This is one of those things that will affect every New Zealander in some way, whether directly or indirectly.
I live far enough away that I didn't even feel the earthquake when it hit, but that also means I am limited in the help or support I can give to my fellow Kiwis. I've decided to follow the initiative of some other Kiwis on Ravelry and donate from my pattern sales.
From now until the 15th of March I will donate half of all sales to the Christchurch earthquake fund. I'm not entirely sure yet to which charity I will give, most likely the Red Cross, but I will look into it over the weekend. As my patterns are in US$ I will convert it to the equivalent NZ$ and donate weekly (depending on sales).
I currently have available for sale - (Ravelry links) Elisaac, Clara, Clara DK, Clara Doll & the Clara Collection. Check out My Designs page also. And my newest design, Sweet As..., is finished with the testers and just undergoing final formatting then will be available after the weekend.
If you want to make your own donations or want information on other ways to help check out this page. There are also other ways to donate, such as a softies appeal and charity auctions (via facebook).

Comments give me the warm fuzzys! Thanks for leaving yours...