Passing on the Crafting Love

6:20 PM , , 0 Comments

J was away motorbiking in Norsewood on Saturday so just us girls were home.  I asked BigMiss what she wanted to do and she promptly replied 'Sewing'.  She's been asking me for ages if she can make a toy or some clothes for her doll or other stuff like that and I'd always put it off as it was never a convenient time to teach her.  But Saturday was.

I remembered about a donkey pattern I'd saved from Ottobre ages ago and thought it would be something easy to make by handsewing (I'm not ready to let her loose on my machine just yet).  So we printed it off and she cut out the pattern.  I had to cut out the fabric as that was a little fiddly for her.  I threaded the needle, showed her how to do it and let her loose!  There were tears and tantrums and a need for time out from it at one stage but she managed to sew the ears and two legs.  (Sorry, no photos of her working as the only one's I've got have her with tears on her cheeks.)

Of course the other two were not to be left out.  MiddleMiss picked up her cross-stitch that she'd started sometime last year (and hadn't looked at since) and LittleMiss decided to make the kitten sewing kit she was given for her birthday.

Passing on the Crafty Love 2
It had pre-punched holes which made the sewing up very easy for her.  She stitched all the features on the body (except the buttons as those holes weren't pre-punched).

Passing on the Crafty Love 3
Can you see the walls are now plastered?  This is in the new lounge.

Passing on the Crafty Love 4
She had to take lots of photos of the finished product like I always do of my knitting.  There were some interesting photos - on the car bonnet, on the dog, in the dolls buggy with the doll, etc.

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This is MiddleMiss doing her cross-stitch - it's a butterfly, if you can't tell.  Artsy photo taken by LittleMiss.

I had hoped to get some sewing of my own done, but ended up spending it on the couch with the girls so I could give them the right amount of attention as needed.  I did manage to get some knitting done, in between helping.

By the time J got home it felt like I'd done nothing all day, but it was guilt-free as I'd spent quality time passing on crafty love to my girls!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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