Let It Snow!

4:42 AM , , 0 Comments

New Zealand in winter is not a very 'white' place, especially in the lower North Island where we live.  But today we woke up to a light dusting of the white stuff and the girls thought it was great!

They managed to get very wet making a little snow pile (not a man, just a pile).  Fortunately, I made them hang up their jackets and gear in front of the fire to dry as soon as they came in, because the lots-more-adventurous-than-me Aunty T phoned at mid-morning wanting to go to the snow and take the girls for company!

(If you want to get to decent, make-a-snowman snow around here, you just drive to the foot of the Tararua Ranges at Holdsworth which is only about 15-20mins from our house.)

Being school holidays and all, everyone seemed to be out there, including Aunty N and the cousins, so the girls had a great time.

I quite enjoyed staying dry and warm at home (and it was nice and quiet too).   



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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