May is my Favourite Month
I think that a person is partial to having their birthday month as their favourite month of the year. May is my birthday month. (And it's a change of decade - 30!) So what better way to celebrate than to have a giveaway?!I have been thinking that it was coming up time for me to have another one soon as I enjoyed the last one so much. Also I'm coming up to 100 posts, which is always something else worth doing a giveaway for!
So it seems fitting that Sew, Mama, Sew! is having another giveaway day later this month too! I'm thinking about joining in again as it really was great to meet so many new people and I loved all the comments.
This time I'm thinking I might make something to giveaway rather than the yarn and pattern like last time. Maybe I can do two giveaways if I'm feeling ambitious! What sort of prize would you like to see me giveaway?
All the details on the Sew, Mama, Sew! giveaway day are here. If you feel like joining in as a fellow giveaway-er then sign up too! Or else just bookmark the date to check out all things that will be on offer.

Comments give me the warm fuzzys! Thanks for leaving yours...