Hello From the Land of Snow!

So blogging has taken a bit of a back seat for me the last few months.  I'm sure you can forgive me as there's just been so many new things to experience as a family in this new country we're calling home!

Shovelling snow off the pond to try ice-skating!

Our latest adventure is all about the snow.  Where we lived in New Zealand it basically doesn't get snow so it's all new for us!  It's the first time I've really been able to see the point in accessory knitting - the girls hardly ever wore hats, gloves or scarves before, but now it's a necessity.  I've been knitting constantly since it started getting cold and I still have a list a mile long of things I need to knit for this winter.  And I don't have any photos of anything I've knit becasue as soon as it's off the needles, it's being used!

The girls in their snow gear off to school

But I have even more exciting news to share!

When looking for yarn to buy online, it didn't take me long to notice that I had no chance of buying from my favourite NZ dyers.  Usually their stockings, which sell out in minutes, are up for sale at 8pm NZ time which is 2am here (i.e. the middle of the night!) and I wasn't going to stay up that late.
This also made me realise that most people in North America probably have never had the opportunity to knit with any of this great NZ wool either.  Having done a little yarn dyeing before and a space I could set up solely for the purpose, I contacted a NZ wool mill about getting un-dyed yarn sent over here.  As it turned out, I could get wool from NZ at a price reasonable enough to dye and sell here.

And that was the start of Little Fantail Yarns!

Click on the picture to see what I have for sale on Etsy
So far it's just in the infant stages, selling a few different bases on Etsy, but I hope to add luxury NZ yarns in the future (think possum/merino!)  I also plan on re-branding my patterns as Little Fantail over the coming months.

In the meantime, browse the yarns I have for sale on my Etsy page and make sure you stop by my brand new FaceBook page, like it and share with anyone over this side of the world you think might be interested - every milestone in people that like me is a good excuse for a giveaway!


Comments give me the warm fuzzys! Thanks for leaving yours...