
8:50 AM 0 Comments

If you've been following for a while you might remember one of my earlier designs, Wasabi.

This was my first design accepted for publication and I was super excited about it!  (You can read my blog post about it here.)

This is still one of my favourite patterns and I'm planning on making another one (or three!) for my girls this summer.  The original is still being worn by my Little Miss, even though it's missing a couple of buttons!

Anyway, as Petite Purls is no longer publishing and has shut down their website as of January 2015, I needed to publish this pattern as a pdf so people could still access it as it's one of my more popular patterns too.  So, while I've been updating my other patterns I decided it was as good a time as any to put Wasabi into a pdf also.

You can find it here on Ravlery, and it is also available here on Craftsy and here on Love Knitting.

I always intended to make an adults version of this pattern and I'm expecting that when I want to knit one for my Big Miss (who has recently turned 12!) that she won't fit the biggest size anymore.  This will mean a re-write to make it work for her so I might as well just do a proper upgrade and do the adult pattern!  Keep watch on here and maybe by the end of summer I will have a call out for testers!  (Just in time for the NZ/Aus summer!)


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11:03 AM 0 Comments

Do you Love Knitting?  Or are you Craftsy?

I'm working through updating all my patterns with a new layout and logo and if you've purchased one from me through Ravelry then you'll be getting the update notification as each pattern is updated.  I'd love to hear your feedback on the new layout!

While I was at it, I've also been adding my patterns to Love Knitting and Craftsy so those that don't do Ravelry can find me in other places too!  Are you on Love Knitting or Craftsy?  What other knitting/crafting websites are out there to join?


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I've had a busy year...

10:41 AM 0 Comments

I know I'm a very sporadic blogger but it's time to give the blog some love again!

So a quick run down on a few major events to catch you all up...

I had my first adult design published!
Riverdale was included in the Winter 2014 edition of the online magazine Twist Collective

I had my second adult design published in an actual printed book!
Buddina was included in the Spring 2015 Knit Picks collection Golden Morning

I started a full time job (so designing took a back seat for a while).

Then I had a baby girl and we now have a genuine Canadian in the family!

And we moved house.  During a snowstorm.  Three weeks before the Baby Girl arrived.

Now we have summer holidays and my big girls home from school so I need to come up with ideas to keep them occupied for the next ten or so weeks!  Any suggestions are welcome :)


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